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Arranging videos
Prabhu Sahoo avatar
Written by Prabhu Sahoo
Updated over 8 months ago

Arranging carousel videos

Navigate to the carousels section under video shopping.

Click on "Arrange Homepage Videos"

Now, use the mouse cursor to drag and arrange the videos according to your preference, and then click on "Submit".

your media will be now rearranged in your shopify store.

Arranging story videos

Navigate to the story section under video shopping, and click on the "media" for the story who's videos you want to arrange.

Click on actions button, under which, click on "Arrange Media"

Use your mouse cursor to drag the videos to your desired order, and click on submit.

Now, go to your shopify store, and verify, if the story videos are rearranged.

Arranging banner videos

Navigate to the banner section under video shopping, and click on the "media" for the story who's videos you want to arrange.

Click on actions button, under which, click on "Arrange Media"

Use your mouse cursor to drag the videos to your desired order, and click on submit.

Now, go to your shopify store, and verify, if the story videos are rearranged.

Arranging PDP videos

Navigate to the PDP section under video shopping and click on "Arrange Media" button for your product.

Now, use your mouse cursor to drag the videos according to your desired order.

After arranging, click on submit button

Verify the order change, by going to the PDP on your shopify store.

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